Oil Rigs Are a Refuge in a Dying Sea
by Sasha Chapman, Hakai Magazine
Hakai Magazine explores science, society, and the environment from a coastal perspective. Offshore Santa Barbara gives plenty of feedstock on these issues. It is rare to find discussion and literary execution of these issues in a fun-to-read style as Oil Rigs Are a Refuge in a Dying Sea by Sasha Chapman. Be sure to read or listen through to the final paragraph. Sasha Chapman sums things up epically.
Informative, accurate, but with a rhythm that can hold a child’s interest. Journalist Sasha Chapman does not over-simplify. On the contrary, her tale is comprehensive compelling without any loss in the complexity of the issues covered. It is her style and tone that are refreshing.
Sophisticated yet light in a way that acknowledges that we and the marine life are part of a legend in the making.