Marine Megatropolis (1974-1981) Photographs by Bob Evans
at the Santa Barbara Airport (SBA)
Marine Megatropolis: The Exhibit includes sixteen spectacular images selected from expeditions by Bob Evans and Andrew J. McMullen of La Mer Bleu Productions in Santa Barbara. Bob and Andy photo-documented marine life as it developed beneath the offshore oil platforms of the Santa Barbara Channel between 1974 and 1981.
Bob Evans’ Photographic Prints
now available for purchase at ChessEvansGallery.com
Marine Megatropolis (1974-1981) Photographs by Bob Evans
Also premiered in the Exhibit are images from what is believed to be the first alternative uses for offshore oil platforms.
Artifacts from these expeditions include: Self-designed camera housings, log books identifying relevant survey data from more than 850 dives (some of which were as deep as 220 feet on air beneath Offshore Oil Platform Holly) and a can from the first mussel harvest for human consumption from the offshore oil platforms of the Santa Barbara Channel.
The Collection as whole includes over 2,500 35-mm color slides and 7,000 feet of super 8- and 16-mm footage. The Collection forms a foundation for fish counts, animal identifications, and comparison for research being conducted today. It has unique historical, educational, scientific, political, and artistic value.
June 6, 2023 – Present – Marine Megatropolis opened at the Santa Barbara Airport. Millions of travelers have now learned what lies below the offshore oil platforms they see out the airplane window as they fly in and out of Santa Barbara Airport!
June 3, 2023, 2:00-3:00 pm – Bob Evans shares “Diving Into the Future of the Pacific Offshore Platforms,” as part of Seminar Series at the ScubaShow, Long Beach Convention Center
January 2, 2022 – Bob Evans quoted from an interview for Oil Rigs Are a Refuge in a Dying Sea by Sasha Chapman, Hakai Magazine
March 26, 2020 – Marine Megatropolis in Kamp Solutions
May 15, 2019 – August 26, 2019, Marine Megatropolis (1974-1981) Photographs by Bob Evans exhibited at the Channel Islands Maritime Museum, on loan from the Santa Barbara Maritime Museum.
July 17, 2019 – Re-Envisioning Offshore Oil Platforms – Video of Lecture
May 15, 2019 – Marine Megatropolis: Adventure Beneath Our Offshore Oil Platforms – Video of Lecture
March 29, 2018, Santa Barbara Maritime Museum and Santa Barbara Public Library co-hosted Marine Megatropolis: Stewardship & Alternatives, Other-Than-Oil for the Offshore Platforms. The program was shared with a standing room only crowd and kicked off the Earth Day 2018 series for the Santa Barbara Public Library.
November 16, 2017 – May 19, 2018, Marine Megatropolis (1974-1981) Photographs by Bob Evans premiered at the Santa Barbara Maritime Museum. Marine Megatropolis is their first Exhibit to travel.