Channel Islands Collection The Channel Islands Collection documents Bob Evans, more than 30-year tenure photo-documenting the life, flora and fauna, and moods, on and in the waters surrounding the California Channel Islands. Santa Rosa Island Sunrise Red Crabs and Baby Elephant Seal, San Miguel Island Anacapa Island Chain Santa Barbara Island Waves Crashing Baby Elephant Seals, San Miguel Island, Hallmark Image of the California Channel Islands Crook Point San Miguel Island Caliche, San Miguel Island #4 Caliche, San Miguel Island #30 Caliche, San Miguel Island #31 Bull Elephant Seal, San Miguel Island #64 Female Elephant Seal, San Miguel Island Bull Elephant Seal, San Miguel Island #62 Sun Shines Through Kelp Forest, Santa Cruz Island Urchin Field, Santa Cruz Island Underwater Dancing, Back Side Anacapa Island Waterworld, San Miguel Island. Sea Lion at shore in morning sun Birds on Rock, San Miguel Island Horn Shark Eye, Santa Cruz Island Convict Fish Green Anemone and Yellow Sponge, Santa Cruz Island Nudibranch Kelp Bulbs, Santa Barbara Channel Kelp Crab, Santa Cruz Island Kelp, Santa Barbara Channel Rockfish Face Rockfish Moray Eel Natural Composition, Sea Star on Purple Jellyfish, with Nudbranch Red Sea Star Amemone, Wilson's Rock #61 « ‹ 1 of 2 › »